Contact Daniel Lim
Saturday, July 05, 2014
Nifty Little Quad - New Version Upgraded Hubsan X4 H107L 2.4G 4CH RC Quadcopter RTF Mode 2
I have since acquired two collective pitch Helicopters (Blade mCPX and Nano CPX) after I did a review on the Syma S107G about 3 years ago!
Recently I got myself another toy.
A new version upgraded Hubsan X4 H107L 2.4G 4CH RC Quadcopter RTF Mode 2.
The package came as expected but a little crumpled. Luckily the good internal packaging design kept the items within well and safe. The moment when I opened the box, the well finished glossy canopy of the X4 caught my attention. Charged the battery and flew it round my living room and this little thing is a blast! Extremely stable after initialising the gyro and at normal mode anybody can fly it around. Manoeuvring turns nicely needs some practice. Otherwise pirouette turns on the spot might just get it round the corners. After flying helicopters for some time, finding the forward direction after a few spins on the squarish quad is tricky as all sides looked the same. So recognising the blade colours or the LEDs to determine 'tail in' will make navigation less of a guessing game.
What disappoints me is are the stock blades. I gave it a few flights and one of the black ones keep popping off. I realised it was looser than the rest. I hope mine is a unique rare case. Luckily the package comes with spare blades. Once I got it changed, the X4 continues its blasting performance.
I hope I'll be able to get a set of replacement blades from T-Mart since the loose black one is not my fault though. I don't want to be using my spares so quickly...
Overall experience 4/5. I wished the transmitter would look more handsome. A little Toyish looking. Already considering another one with the camera option.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
SYMA S107G Review + Modifications + How NOT to fly your SYMA S107G
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
T-Shirt Design - Children's Church Camp 2011 - Draft to Finish
T-Shirt Design from Draft to Finish. There are a couple of refinements in between which are not shown. But generally this is how a T-Shirt design process look like. The last one is the image used for printing.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
*NEW* Design Journaling SOS for Students & Educators
Daniel's Design Journal SOS
What you will find in there:
- Mind-maps and notes and summaries I wrote on the whiteboard.
- Mind-Maps on various design topics that will help you in your design journey.
- Drawing ideas, suggestion and tips.
- Other stuffs related to design.
So keep looking out for updates as we take this exciting journey on design...
(somewhere on the top right hand side of this blog) to get there.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
POSTER DESIGN: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. There's a forth one: Re-invent...

Thursday, September 09, 2010
A Grocery Aid?

- WHY? What might be the problem?
- If you are the driver holding the car key, what other inconveniences can you identify?
- Look at the two images above and make your observations.
- Do your own experiment on the situation to experience it first hand.
- Shadow someone.
- Take note of this the next time you do grocery shopping with your family. Make sure you have lots of stuffs...
Next.... ASK:
- What is the design need?
- What is the design opportunity here?
Have FUN!
Monday, May 17, 2010
What are they for? Clear Plastic Bags filled with Water
- What are they for?
Cup Questions

- What are those out-of-place semi-circled rods for?
- What functions do you think they serve?
- You do not see them in your regular cups don't you? Are they redundant features?
- If you wash a few cups how do you dry them?
- Is it possible to stack-em up and yet allow the cups to dry?
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Inclined Planes put to Good Use
- What is the difference between the two bins?
- Which bin do you think is a better design? Why so?
Walk around in your neighbourhood.
You'll find many inclined planed structures at the void-decks and the corridors.
Do you think a cat will be sleeping inside? What happens if you conveniently throw away your piece of crushed receipt inside there?
- Have you ever thought why they were designed that way?
- There are many other similar examples around you. Go find them.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Quotes: Design Attitudes
Friday, March 19, 2010
Origami Tortoise - The Complete Making Process
Here is a video showing all the steps to making the origami tortoise.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Xootr MG Kick Scooter
Monday, November 09, 2009
Hand-Carry Shoe Box by 'Mugigae' in Bugis Junction
- What are the advantages / disadvantages of this innovation?
- What are the other products/object could adapt this idea of carrying/transportation?
- Is there anyway this idea could be further developed and improved?
Saturday, November 07, 2009
$2 Big Magic Double-Sided Sucker

- What is good / no good about this innovation?
- Make a long list to suggest how else this innovation could be used.
- How can this concept be modified / improved for other applications?
- Does this idea have the potential to lead to other interesting solutions? What are they?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Changi Airport Terminal 3: House Fly in Urinal
- Where else can you think of that needs the concept of 'aiming'?
- Can you think of fun and humorous alternative ideas other than a fly for the urinal?
- Is there any way to adapt the concept and make it useful for women???
Monday, September 28, 2009
Price Tag
- Think of other uses for a plastic table spoon.
- Think of alternatives ideas to display price tags interestingly?
- What about disposable chopsticks?
- What happens if it is possible to plant upside down?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Shopping Cart Stops on a Travelator
Fact #1 : The wheels (made of two discs and fixed on both ends of the shaft) remain free to rotate on the travelator!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Slow Down - Caterpillas Crossing

Many of them did not survive their migration to the other side of the road. Not because they were caught by birds, but because they became squashed caterpillas. They don't look very delicious. And their brightly colored body may suggest that they are poisonous.
Since caterpillas cannot be taught how not to wander into human pathways, at least people can be reminded to watch out out for them.
So, I created this road sign and posted a few outside my office. =) All done in between breaks of course...
Friday, May 01, 2009
Uni Kuru Toga: The Mechanical Pencil
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
NYPS Girls' Brigade 12th Coy Banner Making

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Design & Technology Conference 2009: Designerly Thinking

Why not?... but not without the persoanl attitude to want to think and to put in the best effort.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cartoons on the Reality of Self Affirmation AND Technique for Relaxation
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Ang Pao Box & Wedding Card for a Friend
Friday, November 28, 2008
Caricature - Daniel Lim
Saturday, June 07, 2008
I was there on time. We all had a worksheet each.
Most people took notes.
Some summarised in a few sentences.
Few managed to write key words.
One "cartoon'ed". =)
Here are few lessons to share with you from today's M.a.D session.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Buddy-Up : Stool
Thursday, April 10, 2008
'Simply' Cylinder Tower Clock
All Art Copyright 2008 by Daniel Lim.Use of graphics is prohibited without prior written consent.
For More Design Concepts take a stroll to
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Clock Design Sketches
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Chair Concept by Daniel Lim

Monday, January 07, 2008
Second is not an Option, Neither is First
SECOND is not an option;
As if being FIRST is.
FIRST does require exceeding efforts;
As if being SECOND doesn’t.
Being FIRST or SECOND is actually neither good nor bad;
Until unhealthy competitions and comparisons becomes the fad.
Be the FIRST to love,
Be the FIRST to serve, and
Be the FIRST to give & contribute;
Be the LAST who contradicts.
As if these are important. They actually are.
Composed by Daniel Lim, 06.12.07
Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Second Mouse Get the Cheese
There is no need to hurry to be first.
It is common, but not necessary;
Sooner could be bitter; later could be sweeter.
There is a need to slow down to be later,
It is not common, but necessary.
Later could be better; sooner could be disaster.
Fine, if someone gets there before you in a hurry.
“LOOK! ...” The first mouse grabs the cheese in a scurry. “…SNAP!!!”
Who is wise if “The Second Mouse Get the Cheese”?
The shallow says it is due fate and a mere coincidence;
The wise recognizes that it is due deliberate efforts and due diligence:
There can be no wine; if there is no fermenting.
There can be no mayonnaise; if you ignore emulsion.
The world is rolled flat for a rat race;
Progressing fast and furious for all its worth.
Recognitions and rewards set the pace;
Accumulating awards and achievements set his worth.
A mouse trap for many,
A sounding warning to detour for few;
For the returns of gratifications and pleasures are high,
But for the latter, the returns of contentment and joy are higher.
But this I know, this other little thing about being first;
It is necessary to be first,
If you know what is to come, but not from you,
That might be bitter and not sweeter; disaster and not better.
Composed by Daniel Lim, 01.12.07
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Concept Innovation: Gravity Works on TAP
There could be a simpler way of working a tap. One which will cost less to manufacture, less maintenance and one which neither rely on mechanisms nor electronics to work and minimize water wastage.

Bills Sorter

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The ability to represent ideas in the forms of quick sketches in a variety of appropriate drawing perspectives helps the designer to further explore and evaluate the idea. I name this process 'Paper Talk'. Exploded views are presented frequently and act as valuable visual aids to show how parts interact and how they can be assembled.
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The actual (not assembled) paper cut out model according to the proposed dimensions is also shown above. The image below shows the actual product.
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